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Use Calendar effectively

Calendar is designed for planning and managing of work orders and view availability of the employees as well as plan schedules for them.

Updated over 2 weeks ago


Frontu calendar has different views: month, week, day, employee agenda and +30. User can select a view according to the visibility or action he would like to perform. Click forward/backward arrows if you would like to choose another month, week or day.

If you click "Today" button you will be taken to the current week and month.

Calendar views

  • Monthly view is designed to see the full month. You can create new work orders and plan employee work hours here.

  • Weekly view will show the whole week by days and hours with all users on the left. You will be able to create a new work order with automatically filled user and planned work order start time.

  • Day view shows the selected day by hours and employees on the left. User can create work order here by clicking on selected time and user.

  • Employee agenda view shows the whole month together with all users on the left. New work orders can be created from this view too.

  • +30 view shows a month view but divided into weeks and displays 30 days interval not exactly from the first to last day of the month. New work order and event creation is allowed from this view.

calendar view picture

The toolbar on the left will automatically be hidden when you open a calendar menu. It will provide a broader view of work orders and scheduled hours.

All the employees visible in the calendar are conveniently grouped into the offices, according to which office they belong to. You can hide unnecessary units and expand the ones you want. You can also expand or hide events/holidays and unassigned work orders, depending on whether you want to see this information when planning work orders.

Calendar filters

There are also a lot of different filters that will help to make it easier to plan and manage work orders: it is possible to select specific employee, work order type, customer, object etc. They are all divided into 3 categories listed below but can be used all together.

User related filters

  • Assigned user (filters work orders with selected assigned user);

  • Role (filters work orders according to the role type). To avoid loading too many work orders and to select the most relevant users immediately, the filter automatically selects "App User" and "Helper". In order to see work orders with other roles, they must be added to the filter.

  • Office (filters work orders according to the office users);

  • Skills (filters users according the skills they have); Notice that skills are also visible below the user name in calendar.

  • Users with planned working hours. The filter is designed for those who use the working hours scheduling feature. Using this filter, you will be able to filter out only those employees who have scheduled working hours in the period of time you have selected.

Work order related filters

  • Work order type;

  • Status (filter "Active" is automatically set up to make planning more convenient. It means that work orders that are already completed or cancelled are not displayed in the calendar by default. If you need to see all the work orders, including completed and cancelled, you just need to add these statuses next to the "Active" filter.

  • Customer;

  • Object;

Other filters

  • Show employee/work order/customer/object/object serial number/object address/object city (work orders in the Calendar are displayed according to the work order name "Show work order", according to the employee's name - "Show employee" or by object information “Show customer/object/address/city/serial number);

  • Do not show helpers agenda (the helper's availability may or may not be displayed together with the main employee's work orders) based on your selection.

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