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Check assigned user's availability

Use assigned user's availability feature when creating a work order. Make sure the work order is assigned effectively.

Updated over a week ago

"Check assigned user's availability" option is design to help administrator to choose the user that is available at planned time.

Click the button and you will be able to see the calendar window with planned work orders and work hours (marked in green) for the user you have selected. Filter for user is selected automatically but you can remove it and check all the technicians work hours and work orders if you need.

What is more, you can select filters such as customer, object and type if too many work orders are displayed and you only need the specific ones. You can click on suitable time and then click green "Save changes" button. "Back" button will lead you back to the creation window without any planned time selection.

Moreover, you can see how far from each other are the planned work orders and make sure you select the best employee to complete the work order. We calculate the distance between work orders' objects and divide them into 4 colors.

  • If distance is less than 3km, color will be GREEN.

  • If distance is less than 5km, color will be YELLOW.

  • If distance is less than 10km, color will be RED.

  • If distance is more than 10km or could not be defined, the color will be GREY.

Mouse over the icon shows exact distance between the objects. Distance is measured by air line (not by the roads).

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