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Manage Communication

Overview of Frontu features that help with communication management.

Updated over a week ago

Notifications add-on

If you need to inform a customer personally about upcoming visit or let him know when the work order is completed, Notifications add-on is a must for you! Just select when and what information customer should get and we will send it automatically to his mobile phone via SMS or email.

Notifications add-on can be enabled on your account if you have Professional plan.

Real time Video Chat add-on

You can arrange video call with customer with only few clicks. We think that it is the easiest way to communicate and get all the needed information to complete any work order.

It is possible to create a video chat while user is logged into Web App and invite customer by providing URL to join.

Remote video window will provide a link which can be shared as well as QR code that can be scanned with a phone.

Real time video chat add-on can be enabled on your account if you have Professional plan.

Internal messages

You can send a message to App user if additional information needs to be provided or work order has been recently updated and you need to communicate something important to the App user. You may send a message in the following ways:

  • from the work order window, or

  • create a new personal message.

Message from the work order edit window

If the work order information has been changed you may inform a responsible employee about it with a short message. To do this, you need to: click to edit existing work order, enter a message text at the bottom of the edit window and click SAVE.

The employee will be immediately informed about an incoming message in their Frontu app.

Message from the messages section

If you wish to inform a user/users about something important, you may send a personal message. To create a personal message go to Messages in the top right corner then press NEW MESSAGE button.

In the new message window enter its subject, message text, select a user/users and click SAVE.

Shortly we will release new messaging functionality that will allow seamless communication between all Frontu users, stay tuned for this page updates!

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