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Notifications add-on

Inform customer personally about upcoming visit or let him know when the work order is completed.

Updated over a week ago

Notifications module

If you need to inform a customer personally about upcoming visit or let him know when the work order is completed, Notifications add-on is a must for you! Just select when and what information customer should get and we will send it automatically to his mobile phone via SMS or email.

Notifications add-on can be enabled on your account if you have Professional plan. If you would like to try it, contact us.

How notifications look like

When a work order is created and SMS phone number filled, the SMS will be sent. A person will receive a message with a text that was written in the SMS text body or SMS text for the travel, in the settings.

Or if you send emails instead of SMS then client receive an email instead of SMS notification.

Notifications setup

Once Notifications add-on is enabled on your account below are instructions how to setup it. Open settings on the up right corner. Notifications settings has a separate tab next to email report settings.

  • Email and SMS sending for planned work at the object is scheduled 24 hours before planned start date of a work order.

  • SMS for customer when a trip is started will be sent right away when a technician starts the trip.


In the "General" notifications settings section we can see these fields:

  • Notifications access token > lets to add access token for API (needed for SMS feature);

  • Language of notification text > sets a language for SMS or email text.

Configuration for work order creation notification

In the "Configuration for work order creation notification" section we can see these fields:

  • Send SMS > provides dropdown with “Yes”, “No” answers;

  • SMS text > shows a default text for SMS. You can always change it, remove some information or add additional one. The phrases marked %_% as %task_date% | %task_time% | %object_address% will be replaced with real work order data in the SMS.

  • Send email > provides dropdown with “Yes”, “No” answers.

  • Email text > shows a default text for email. You can always change it, remove some information or add additional one. The phrases marked %_% as %task_date% | %task_time% | %object_address% will be replaced with real work order data in the SMS.

  • Email recipient > selection from “Work order client” or “Object responsible person” indicating who would receive notification.

Configuration for work order reminder notification

In the "Configuration for work order reminder notification" section we can see these fields:

  • Notification send days > indicates the days when SMS or email sending is allowed. The days that are not selected SMS/email will not be sent.

  • Work hours from > shows the hour since when SMS/email can be scheduled to send.

  • Work hours to > shows the hour until when SMS/email can be scheduled to send.

  • Who will receive a notification > selects who will get an SMS/email. Two possible options are allowed: Work order client and Object’s responsible person. Select the one that suits for you better.

  • Send SMS? > provides dropdown with “Yes”, “No” answers.

  • SMS text body > shows a default text for SMS. You can always change it, remove some information or add additional one. The phrases marked %_% as %task_date% | %task_time% | %object_address% will be replaced with real work order data in the SMS.

  • Send email? > provides dropdown with “Yes”, “No” answers.

  • Email text > shows a default text for email. You can always change it, remove some information or add additional one. The phrases marked %_% as %task_date% | %task_time% | %object_address% will be replaced with real work order data in the SMS.

SMS/email would not be sent if the day or hour is not included in the SMS/email sending settings frames.

When notification about planned work order is sent, receiver can add it to the calendar that they use by clicking on the icon and being redirected to the calendar. Work order title, date and time will be added automatically to the event. When event is saved, clients can see in it their calendar together with all the other events that are on the calendar.

Configuration for SMS on trip

In the "Configuration for SMS on trip" section we can see these fields:

  • Send SMS when travel is started by employee > provides dropdown with “Yes”, “No” answers. If “Yes” is selected, SMS is sent for the customer when a technician starts a trip immediately.

  • SMS text for the travel > shows a default text for SMS. You can always change it, remove some information or add additional one. The phrases marked %object_address%, %eta% will be replaced with real work order data in the SMS. %eta% means estimated time of arrival and will automatically generate the expected time when the technician will arrive.

%eta% is only visible in the SMS, if mobile device GPS is on and object has coordinates added.

%eta% can be seen under the work order status in the administrator platform while technician is travelling.

Configuration for completed work order notification

In the "Configuration for completed work order notification" section we can see these fields:

  • Send email for work order creator > provides dropdown with “Yes”, “No” answers.

  • Email text > shows a default text for email. You can always change it, remove some information or add additional one. The phrases marked %task_user%, %task_code%(%task_link%) will be replaced with real work order data in the SMS/email.

Work order creator will get the PDF act by email when a work order is completed. Make sure the provided email is correct.

The setting will also work with work order type watchers. Email with PDF act will be sent to users added as watchers for work order type. To add watchers, go to work order types, open work order type creation or edit form and find “Watchers” in information tab.

Dropdown list will let allow to select any user with administrator or user role. Multiselect is allowed.

Emails would be sent to emails assigned to users. Make sure all emails are correct in your Frontu Web App "Users" section.

Needed changes on your account for Notifications to work

When the notification settings are all set, make sure that each work order type settings has a checkbox for “Send notification”. It will allow us to send a message automatically.

Work order creation form will have an additional field for phone number. Make sure the customer/responsible person has a phone number added to its card. When you select object and customer, it fills in automatically from the responsible person or customer data (depends on what a selection was made in settings). The phone field is always active, you can enter or edit the phone number by yourself.

Have in mind that work order creation card might look different in your account.

You can always change the order or move not required fields to primary or additional information tabs, instructions:

How to check who and when got an email or SMS? You can do that by clicking on specific work order and selecting detailed view. Action history will include date, action and information for phone number and email.

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