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Create New Work Order

Find out the primary and additional information for work order. Learn how to create a work order and set up the work order's form.

Updated over a week ago

You can create a new work order from:

Work order form settings

First of all, take a look at settings icon next to the additional information tab. New work order window settings will let you to design how a window will look like.

Click on it and you will be able to change new work order window layout that is applicable only for desktop users:

"Field title" - a list of all possible fields that can be included and displayed in the new work order creation window:

  • "Primary/Additional information" - selected fields will appear in the appropriate layout section to the right, where Drag and Drop or checkmark will allow you to select the desired location for each field.

  • Clicking the x symbol will remove the selected field. Some fields are mandatory for the creation and can not be removed.

  • Custom fields (from v. 5.1.0) will be displayed here too. If field is required, it will be added to primary information tab without possibility to change or remove it.

When all the changes are done, do not forget to click “Save” button. Settings window will be closed and if you want to create a work order, you have to click on “New work order” button again. Newly generated fields will be visible in the form.

Primary and additional information

For work order creation, click "New work order" button. Enter a clear title, customer, object (only objects assigned to a specific customer are displayed), planned start time, employee, and work order type. If the selected client has already performed work orders previously, employee name will be offered next to the user's field, who has worked mostly on selected object, and if there is nobody yet, then it will be checked according to the history of the work orders performed by the client.

  • Title;

  • Customer (can be previewed if you click on the blue info icon next to the field);

  • Object (can be previewed if you click on the blue info icon next to the field), (the estimated travel time from the employee office or end time of the closest work order to the new work order object is shown. The calculation will be successful if the addresses are mapped to the coordinates. If the object has other active work orders the informational message is shown nearby the object field. You can click on the title to preview it);

  • Planned start time (if user has other work orders planned for selected time, informational message is displayed. You can click on the work order title to preview it.

    "Start time" is the latest point in time when the work order must be started. After that time the work order will be marked as "Overdue", unless You change at "System setting" page);

  • Assigned user (if you are not sure which user to assign, use "Check assigned users availability" button. Also, you can rely on automatic suggestion. Automatic suggestion suggests the user who had completed the most work orders in the selected object. Just click on the green user text and assigned user field will fill with the name.);

  • Priority (when "Urgent" is chosen, the employee will be notified with sound signal, even if their device is mute. "Standard" means standard receiving of work order Push notification with or without sound accordingly);

  • Work order description;

  • Tags (you can tag the work order with keywords that help you to describe it. Type the word and click enter, the tag will be visible in the window and stored in tags dropdown list. Next time you can select it from the list or create new one. Tags could be filtered using "Tag" filter" in the work order window.)

Multi selection is allowed for tags.

  • Responsible person (when a customer is selected, responsible person field becomes active. You will be able to select a responsible person from a dropdown list);

  • Payer (can select payor from customer’s list. If payor is not selected, it is customer by default);

Payer information will be visible in the PDF act under the customer information block.

  • Work order office (each work order can be assigned to a specific office from a dropdown list. The field is not required and can be left empty).

Additional information tab is intended to fill out the optional information. What and how many fields there will be displayed depends on the individual work order layout.

If it is necessary for an employee to scan the QR code of the object before the start of works or after the works have been completed, please remember to tick a box next to the field: "Work order start code required" and/or "Work order end code required". QR code of an object may be generated when you go to object preview window.

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