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Equipment module

Equipment is a second level after object. Can be various security systems, air conditioners or cameras within the object.

Updated over a week ago

With equipment module we allow managing different equipment in the object. Were you ever willing to install and remove equipment or perform other actions using Frontu?

This option provides companies the opportunity to create, edit, reassign, install, remove and add jobs/materials to specific equipment not only object. Equipment management might be performed by administrator as well as the technician.

When work order is completed, PDF act shows the equipment in the jobs/materials sections. Moreover, all the actions that were made for different equipment will be visible in the act too.

Configure warehouse

Before figuring out how to manage your equipment, be sure to create a warehouse or warehouses to store your equipment. You can install the equipment from the warehouse to the work order object or remove it from the object and return it to the warehouse later in the application.

To create a warehouse, click on "Objects" in the left menu. Click the "+ New object" button in the Objects window. Fill in the needed information and select "Warehouse" in "Object type".

Once you saved a new warehouse, you will see it in the list along with other objects and warehouses. When creating an equipment, you will be able to assign it to a specific warehouse/object.

You can find equipment option in the left menu under the objects in your desktop environment. Click on it and you will be able to see equipment list. As you can see, you can filter equipment by its object, model, title, serial number, equipment code and internal system ID.

Have in mind that you can also filter the work orders with a specific equipment. Use equipment filter in the work orders list.

Create equipment

For new equipment creation, select “Equipment” tab. Click on “+New equipment” button. Filled in required fields such as equipment title, model and mark in which object/warehouse it belongs. Enter serial and internal system ID numbers, equipment code if needed. You could also select install, warranty expiration and next maintenance dates or add a location whereabout it is placed in the object. That will help you to manage your equipment better and to know its specifications.

Additional information tab is for remarks and files. You can leave a remark with additional information or to add files related to this equipment.

When all information is filled, click green “Save” button. You will see newly created equipment in the list. You will be able to right click on equipment and review, edit, archive, assign, assign to work order or copy it.

Equipment import

One more thing, if you have a list with equipment and want to add them, you do not need to do it manually, you can always use a data import. Click on settings icon on the up right corner and select “Data import”.

When you are in a data import window, choose equipment from the dropdown list. Download the template and use it to add equipment. When file is ready and all needed information is filled into the template, click on “Choose” button or drag and drop file in the grey area. You will see your file attached. Select an option from “Uploaded data” list and click green button “Next”.

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