Guards add-on is designed for the security personnel and their daily tasks. It enables real-time tracking of guards activities such as scanning places, filling questionnaires and leaving notes. This combination of scanning and tracking creates a robust system for managing field security operations, ensuring safety, accountability, and operational efficiency. Frontu team believes that Guards add-on will help to optimize field operations while enhancing transparency and communication with clients.
If you would like to become a Beta version tester for this add-on, please let us know and we will provide you more details.
Set up the steps for an object
For the start, you need to go to "Objects" list and select the object where you will add "Steps". Select the object and click "Edit".
Go to the tab "Steps". You will see blue line with possibility to add place, note and questionnaire.
When adding a place, you will be able to select from the dropdown list or create new directly from the table.
When place is selected/created, description field is not required.
You can add as many steps with places as you need. Same is with notes and questionnaires. The questionnaires will also be available in the dropdown list.
When all steps are added, click "Save" button.
If you want to change any of the steps, you can click edit object again, go to "Steps" tab and archive (recycle bin icon) or rearrange the steps (using arrows).
You can always restore archived steps if it is needed. If you can not restore the step related to the place, check if that place is not archived.
Work in the application
When logged in to the application, the guard will be able to see all active work orders assigned to him. Completed work orders are not shown
All uncompleted work orders are visible in this range:
30 minutes before scheduled start time
The whole scheduled time (from start to an end)
30 minutes after scheduled end
If there is no scheduled work orders, user will see an empty screen with a message "You have to tasks at this moment".
However if there are already planned tasks, they all will be visible in one screen. The design is super simple and contains only one button for starting the task.
When the task is started, app user will be able to see and scan places that were added to the "Steps" tab from the administrator.
By scanning QR code of the places, app user will prove he just checked the perimeter and administrator will be able to see his work in the real time.
When all the places are scanned, the guard can complete the task by clicking "Finish task" button.
Scanned places and the scanning time will be visible in task's detailed view as well as PDF report.
Have in mind, that it is BETA version and some functions are still not included. Notes and questionnaires are not visible in the application for now but will be available soon.
Application design is still under construction, pictures will be added later.