v5.4.86.1287 Mobile application (31/01/2024)
Updated translations
Related work orders add-on: skip signature signing if work order has a parent work order
Bug fixes
v5.4.85 Mobile application (19/12/2024)
v5.4.83 Mobile application (07/11/2024)
Warehouse add-on improvement: if the material stays longer than 20 days, mark it red
Improvement to barcode/QR scanner
Possibility to enter 6 digits to job quantity field
Work order provision add-on
v5.4.82 Mobile application (08/10/2024)
Show suggested duration/quantity for jobs and materials before starting a work order
Possibility to change end time disregarding automatic setting from the type
Bug fixes
v5.4.81 Mobile application (22/07/2024)
Possibility for the helper to review attached files
Bug fixes
v5.4.79 Mobile application (11/07/2024)
Client, Object preview
Removed custom field text limits, multiline is allowed
Made approved work orders not visible on the application
Greek and Turkish languages added
Bug fixes
v5.4.78 Mobile application (06/06/2024)
Additional languages added: Croatian, Azerbaijani, French, Swedish, Georgian, Italian.
Bug fixes
v5.4.77 Mobile application (15/05/2024)
Switch places for job duration and unit fields
Bug fixes
v5.4.75 Mobile application (18/04/2024)
Allow multiline text in questionnaires answers and notes
Bug fixes
v5.4.73 Mobile application (29/03/2024)
Location sharing improvement
Increase upload file size to 250 MB
Info Tab update
Bug fixes
v5.4.72 Mobile application (14/03/2024)
Set automatic route price calculation as default, when route price is set in settings
Bug fixes
v5.4.71 Mobile application (19/02/2024)
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.70 Mobile application (24/01/2024)
Possibility to add units in decimal values for jobs creation/edit actions
Added custom units for jobs
Show default duration for jobs together with suggested amount
V. 5.4.66 Mobile application (20/11/2023)
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.65 Mobile application (10/11/2023)
Added new languages: Bulgarian, German
V. 5.4.63 Mobile application (16/10/2023)
Added new languages: Hungarian, Czech, Slovenian
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.61 Mobile application (22/09/2023)
Increased amount of photos selection from gallery to 100 for remarks
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.59 Mobile application (05/09/2023)
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.58 Mobile application (31/08/2023)
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.57 Mobile application (28/08/2023)
Internal feature: translations migration
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.56 Mobile application (07/08/2023)
Domain url changed from "taskertools.com" to "frontu.com"
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.55 Mobile application (27/07/2023)
Lock client signature screen from rotation
V. 5.4.54 Mobile application (29/06/2023)
Option to save one job for the whole team with helpers
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.53 Mobile application (15/06/2023)
Possibility to preview materials list in the menu
V. 5.4.52 Mobile application (08/06/2023)
Cash collection add-on
V. 5.4.49 Mobile application (03/05/2023)
Delete unfilled jobs action
Possibility to save files, photos, signatures to an external storage
V. 5.4.48 Mobile application (25/04/2023)
Possibility to start a work order with QR code scanning
Warehouse add-on improvement: possibility to delete used material from app side
Warehouse add-on improvement: save material remains quantity as BigDecimal (format 0,00)
Added a type header with items count for reopened work orders
V. 5.4.47 Mobile application (14/04/2023)
Not overriding work order title if the title already has text in work order creation form
Remarks tab improvements
Added non standard job/material title validation
App update notification is available
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.45 Mobile application (21/03/2023)
Warehouse add on improvement: shared warehouses
V. 5.4.44 Mobile application (09/03/2023)
Option to define work order types for work order custom fields
Work order action buttons improvement
Possibility to open links from custom fields
Warehouse module: package number added to the materials list
Multiply time spent in work order by number of helpers
V. 5.4.41 Mobile application (08/02/2023)
Start work order with QR code improvement
Possibility to remove additional emails
Standard jobs assigned to the work order types (feature switch)
V. 5.4.40 Mobile application (30/01/2023)
Multiple barcode scanner
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.38 Mobile application (12/01/2023)
Clear customer information in the work order if it was reopened for app user
Possibility to create related work order
Cancel work order feature depending on the app user permissions
Start/Stop work order button was changed
Possibility to search client by phone number in clients list
Feature switch for related work orders
Feature switch for materials remains fill form
Warehouse add-on improvements
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.37 Mobile application (13/12/2022)
V. 5.4.35 Mobile application (30/11/2022)
Scan button (for the equipment) in the jobs tab
Equipment action type is predefined from the administrator panel
Upload user data information every day
Urgent work order is from now red and marked with red fire icon in work order list
V. 5.4.33 Mobile application (15/11/2022)
Warning popup about route distance when it is equal zero
V. 5.4.31 Mobile application (26/10/2022)
Permission to forbid/allow edit the work order
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.30 Mobile application (28/09/2022)
Possibility to cancel the work order and enter cancellation message
Show who sent a message for app user
Approved work order status
Indicator tracking add on improvement: reduce symbols from 15 to 12
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.29 Mobile application (13/09/2022)
Possibility to renew warehouse remainings
Equipment action initiation
Delete equipment action
Show required tab name in the pop up message
Show text above the keyboard for jobs and materials
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.27 Mobile application (25/08/2022)
Fill predefined description from standardized job
Improvements for Warehouse add-on
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.26 Mobile application (18/08/2022)
Removed work order planner feature.
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.25 Mobile application (04/08/2022)
Equipment code field added to equipment form
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.24 Mobile application (11/07/2022)
Made Standardized jobs list scrollable
Romanian language was added
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.23 Mobile application (16/06/2022)
Quick complete option for work order
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.21 Mobile application (27/05/2022)
Possibility to create an equipment from new/edit job screen using search
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.19 Mobile application (03/05/2022)
Internal feature: analytics for usage
Autofill responsible person or customer information in the work order completion screen
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.18 Mobile application (08/04/2022)
Updated translations
V. 5.4.17 Mobile application (25/03/2022)
Hided keyboard on open dropdowns
Internal feature: collect language data from the app users
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.16 Mobile application (02/02/2022)
Possibility to scan a serial number when creating equipment
V. 5.4.14 Mobile application (28/01/2022)
A shortcut to edit customer/object/contact person/equipment
Html table in new webview screen
V. 5.4.13 Mobile application (09/01/2022)
Allow to see the address of an unassigned work order
Show assigned user in the work order info tab
Display material code under material name and units.
Scrollable multi-line for titles/descriptions/remarks
V. 5.4.12 Mobile application (21/12/2021)
Frontu logos and translations
Possibility to enter past dates in equipment custom fields
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.10 Mobile application (10/11/2021)
Title limitation extended from 100 to 255 characters
Internal functionality: feature switch for remote signature
Internal functionality: feature switch for satisfactory ratings
Internal functionality: feature switch for equipment
Contact persons added to Info tab
Possibility to add multiple helpers
Counting of unassigned work orders
Bug fixes
V. 5.4.9 Mobile application (29/10/2021)
V. 5.4.7 Mobile application (06/10/2021)
Group objects list by customer
V. 5.4.5 Mobile application (03/08/2021)
Possibility to set time for location tracking
Review attached files when work order is not in progress
Search by the city in the work order list
V. 5.4.0 Mobile application (28/05/2021)
Internal functionality: feature switch
Customer email was added to the dropdown list when signing a work order
Equipment from work order request is displayed in Info tab
Spanish language
V. 5.1.27 Mobile application (20/04/2021)
Display route kilometers in the work order summary
Jobs window design changed to look the same as materials window
Scan button in objects and equipment list
V. 5.1.0 Mobile application (03/03/2021)
Responsible person creation from the work order completion window
Ukrainian translations
V. 5.0.5 Mobile application (09/11/2020)
V. 5.0.0 Mobile application (06/11/2020)
V 4.4.0 Mobile application (27/03/2020)
V 4.3.8 Mobile application (13/03/2020)
Automatic price calculation using distance unit in routes.
Ability to call users, who have created or assigned a work order.
Bug fixes.
V. 4.3.5 Mobile application (30/01/2020) for security industry
App user location verification;
GPS coordinates in the places;
Reminders to app user about overdue work order.
V 4.3.0 Mobile application (06/12/2019)
Bug fixes.
V 4.2.0 Mobile application (10/05/2019)
Distance in miles;
Help for app user from login window;
Ability to scan a material description BAR code;
Bug fixes
V 4.0.0 Mobile application (26/04/2018)
App settings that can be managed from backend:
displaying unassigned work order by selected work order types;
custom Work order ending;
reminder message about the work order start time;
Measurement of completed job in units;
The right of the employee to indicate another user to the job;
Different customer types: business or personal;
Additional indicator, when employee is on the way to work order object;
TASKER user's manual is accessed directly from the device user menu;
An additional green timer calculates the time that is automatically fills in duration field of the new job;
Ability to change the scheduled work order end time;
When work order is reassigned, additional information show up in the message text;
Bug fixes.
V 3.4.0 Mobile application (21/09/2017)
When the user logs off, only the password field is cleared;
Additional sync activation button;
Object list search by customer;
Auto-fill the client field if the object is created from the new work order window;
When a work order is reassigned, Push notification shows the user name that was assigned to the work order;
According backend settings, app user can:
carry out several work order simultaneously;
have a limited right to name the clients / objects / responsible persons in the "Add" box;
see your completed work order for the time period set in the gadget.
start the work order without approval;
to see identified responsible persons for the work order;
According to selected work order type settings:
work order evaluation (smilies) / client name / client email. mail may (not) be required;
each work order type will have a separate (non-) acceptance text;
each work order type will have a separate color, which will be visible in the common work order list;
Added requests for user's permission:
File storage / camera function;
Location coordinates;
Contact list and call feature;
Employee Opportunity to:
choose remark picture from the gallery;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.16 Mobile application (21/06/2017)
App time format is displayed according to the device currently set;
The work order green clock does not reset and continues calculation after disconnecting, stopping or reassigning a work order;
When App User gets reassigned work order, he / she is allowed to edit / delete the jobs and materials entered by another employee;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.12 Mobile application (02/02/2017)
Assistant receives a separate text notification on a new work order;
Option to check GCM message functionality by an assistant;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.9 Mobile application (18/01/2016)
Employee enabled to edit template material amount and remove the material field altogether;
Employee is not allowed to change a set unit/hour price if the material/work is from template;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.7 Mobile application (31/12/2016)
An additional field "Assigned user" is displayed in the work order information;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.6 Mobile application (27/12/2016)
User on logging off get a notification on "Possible non-synchronised work order data lost";
Assistant can view who has assistant status in preview window;
In template work order preview added works/materials optional fields/amount;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.5 Mobile application (30/11/2016)
Improved self-check test: user sensitive information moved from the bottom to the top;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.3 Mobile application (23/11/2016)
Self-check test data is sent together with error notification;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.2 Mobile application (08/11/2016)
When refreshing planned work order list the device place coordinates are refreshed, too.
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.1 Mobile application (05/11/2016)
On message receipt an employee is notified with envelope icon;
Bug fixes.
V 3.3.0 Mobile application (31/10/2016)
Receiving messages from the online environment;
Faster filling of template work order;
Status "Unsynhronised" is displayed next to other status until all work order data sent to the server;
Possibility to view previous ended work order and their reports in the Object history;
The priority work order with audio signal is always activated, even when the device sound is turned off;
Possibility to complete the work order without customer's signature if work order type settings allow it;
Work order filter is updated in mobile Tasker application;
Enabled Responsible person selection from among persons who are assigned to work order object on work order completion;
Bug fixes.
V 3.2.40 Mobile application (12/09/2016)
Automatic capitalization of the text;
Telephone number and e-mail recognition in text entries;
A list of work order displays only "Not completed" work order when planning the route;
Bug fixes.
V 3.2.27 Mobile application (30/06/2016)
Questionnaire optimisation;
Displaying the user who reassigned the work order in the work order information window;
Possibility to write a work order reassign message;
Bug fixes.
V 3.2.23 Mobile application (11/05/2016)
Possibility for users to search by email when assigning or creating a new work order.
Ability to select more than 1 file and add them simultaneously (requires Android 4.4 or up);
Bug fixes.
V 3.2.21 Mobile application (07/04/2016)
Enabled answer assignment in the questionnaire form that can be entered manually by an employee.
Bug fixes.
V 3.2.20 Mobile application (29/02/2016)
Fixed error when in the work order detailed preview there was no route VAT pricing displayed;
Fixed error when after offline mode turned off the synchronisation would not turn off;
Fixed error when the name or e-mail of a responsible person was removed they were displayed again after adding the signature in work order preview;
Enabled an icon "show password" in the log in window next to the password field;
When creating a comment in a comment tab the field was resized to accommodate all the text;
On work order completion there were hyphens displayed in materials and works fields of evaluation window when the price was 0;
On signing in information on user's mobile device and Android version is sent to backend environment;
Fixed error with comment photos editing;
Fixed error with erase function when previewing attached file in work order list;
Fixed error with file icon when viewing work order list;
Fixed error with Unknown sources.
V 3.2.18 Mobile application (19/01/2016)
Fixed error when changing domain logging in is initiated.
In route tab VAT is displayed together with the prices.
Information in Acceptance Certificate about the responsible person is removed if the information was erased in sign in window.
V 3.2.18 Mobile application (19/01/2016)
Fixed "Overdue" status display when the work order was created from the app.
Fixed app freeze after error message activation.
Improved synchronisation during signing in/out.
Fixed search freeze triggered by ‘ and % symbol.
Added check before work order reassignment. Reassignment not allowed if not all data sent to the server.
Improved completed work order sorting order. Only in "work order completed" tab the latest completed work order displayed at the top.
When an "unsigned" work order is being edited, the work order may be suspended again.
Improved possibility to save an object without responsible person (when the selected responsible person is removed).
Improved questionnaire comment display in the signature window.
When the work order completion is possible only with QR code, it can be completed with QR code scan only.
Improved price display in works and materials tabs.
QR code displayed instead of signature if the completion was done with QR code.
Fixed error when during object is created without internet connection.
Minor bug fixes.
V 3.2.17 Mobile application (18/12/2015)
Displaying Tasker user who assigned the work order in the info tab.
Work order start and end with QR code introduced.
Planned work order completion time displayed in the Info tab.
Fixed error when after reassigning the work order it is not possible to edit other employee's works.
In the route creation window there appears price, price in both directions and price including VAT, in the route window addresses to where and from where trip is with the price. In the signature window the invoice is extended with route information and price.
If an employee receives a notification on a new, cancelled or assigned work order, the text is always visible.
Always consistent tab display (works, materials, comments, files, routes, questionnaire, checks, info ).
If in the form list is added additional form, then at least one question must be entered or the form must be erased, so that an employee could finish works.
Files can be attached form a mobile device.
When the app's refresh window pops up an employee will not be able to close the window by clicking the "return/cancel" button.
Other minor fixes.
V 3.2.15 Mobile application (12/11/2015)
An entry without a name is allowed to add when starting work/material.
"Close" button is added in the window which pops out when holding down the work order button.
Option to enter a remark, when the client agrees with the works.
If the work order was suspended due to a particular reason, the “suspended with remark” label will be displayed.
Client information window displays duties of the responsible persons, and the person who is responsible for the object of the selected work order.
If the work order is delayed, it will be displayed in all its statuses.
V 3.2.13 Mobile application (26/10/2015)
Error message text is transferred to the new line during entering.
Transfer of work order status into online environment is fixed.
Cancellation button is removed from the refresh dialogue window.
A chosen responsible person is assigned when creating an object.
Error notification window (where errors may be marked and described) is opened on shaking a mobile device.
V 3.2.12 Mobile application (08/10/2015)
Synchronization corrections.
Correction: all data shall be downloaded after offline mode.
V 3.2.11 Mobile application (10/09/2015)
File attachment in the mobile application.
Apartment number added to the object.
Synchronization management.
V 3.2.10 Mobile application (17/08/2015)
Work rate display error is corrected.
Calculation of theoretic route time.
Unified work order information section and preview information.
Improved automatic synchronization when the Internet connection is turned on.
Display of agree/disagree texts is corrected in the mobile application.
Optimization of signature sending option.
QR scan button is added in the object edit window.
Display of remarks under inspection places.
The Polish language added.
Search by work order code added.
Improved planning/route options.
Improved assistant re-assignment.
Other minor corrections.
V 3.1.1 (23/04/2015)
Option to view files attached to the work order without staring the work order (hold down the button).
Automatic adding of coordinates when creating/editing object.
Name displayed next to the last object in the route window.
Call and text message function under the client information.
The number of worked hours increased in the works section.
Data added in "Info" section.
Route selection in "Offline" mode.
Removal of filter "All work orders".
Bug fixes.
V 3.0 (05/12/2014)
Additional work order execution statuses;
More convenient work order creation in the mobile application;
Possibility to edit photographs in the application;
Bug fixes.