Related work orders feature is designed to align work orders. Using this add-on, the management of the work orders become much more easier as you can see and review connected work orders. It will help to have main work order and its so-called sub work orders in one place
The add-on is also very convenient and easy to use. It has super clear logic and will not be difficult to adapt. Let us introduce you with the whole workflow now.
How to create a parent and a related work order
Firstly, have in mind that parental work order term means the main work order that has related work orders. Related work orders are the part or parental work order, they are linked.
You can create a related work order by right click on the work order and selecting “Create related work order” option.
The action will open the work order copy form with some preselected information from the work order you are using. You can leave the information, edit it and fill in empty fields. After that click “Save” button.
The second way to create a related work order is to create the work order usual way and select the parental work order from the list. You can search it by title or work order number.
Newly created related work order will have an icon to identify that it is a related work order.
Managing related work orders
If you click on the icon, it will open parental work order. You can review ant see the main work order of this related work order. Parental work order detailed view will display all related work orders with their titles and numbers (active link) on the right side of the view.
When parental work order is completed, its act shows data from all related work orders with the status “Completed”. You can see all information in one generated PDF act. Sum of work hours is also visible in parent work order's act.
However if you reopen parental work order, reopened information can be edited but data entered in the related work order won’t be changed automatically.
Have in mind that work order end time in parent work order PDF act is set from the latest completed related work order.
What is more, you can filter only parental or only child work orders in the list. The filter is called "Work order relation". If it is empty or "Show all" is selected, you will see all work orders.
Remote signature for parent work orders
What is more, you can request remote signature for any parental work order. Just right click on the work order you want to request a signature and select “Send remote signature request” option.
The pop up screen will be opened with email field. You can select the email from the list (we show customer’s and responsible person emails automatically) or enter the email manually. When you select the email, click the button “Send”.
A request to sign a work order will be sent to provided email address.
A link is clickable and redirects the customer to the signature form. All he needs to do is to fill in the information, rate the quality of the work, agree/disagree with work order completion and leave a signature. After all this information is added, click “Sign” button. The work order will be signed.
Have in mind that application skips signature signing step if work order has a parent work order.
Related work order creation in Mobile app
Application user can also create a related work order. The related work order creation button will be visible when pressing three dots in the top right corner next to work order ID.
Related work order will be prefilled with customer, object, work order type information from parental work order. It will also have related work order icon on administrator environment.
Have in mind that you:
can not approve parental work order if related work orders are not completed. When all related work orders are completed and parental work order is being approved, all completed related work orders will be approved automatically.
can not create a related work orders if parental work order is with “Approved” status. If the work order is reopened after approval, the creation action for related work orders will be active.