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Multiple Company Details

With this feature you can use more than one company details and have PDF acts generated with different companies information.

Updated over a week ago

Company details settings

We have created a company details add-on so you can use more than one company details and have PDF acts generated with different company information.

If you would like your acts generated with several different company details, request us to activate this add-on on your account.

How it would look like

PDF act will show supplier info on the left. All the information that was added to the company form, will be displayed here.

How to set it up

Just click on the settings and the 2nd tab will show “Company details”. You will be able to see already added entries, button for new company details (if add-on is active on account).

To create a new company details click green button. You must fill the company name, its address and phone number. Company code and VAT code are optional fields and can be left empty if this information is not needed for you.

When the information is filled, click “Save”. Newly created entry is visible in the list. Right click with a mouse on the entry and you will be able to preview, edit, archive or use the company details as default (main).

Few important notes:

  • “Change to default” option will set selected company details as the main one to be used. The main details are marked in blue color and is always at the top of the list.

  • You can not archive the default company details. If you want to do it, at first you have to make another company details as default.

Company details by user

You can assign company details for each user. Click on creation or edit form and company details field will let you select from the entered information dropdown list. The field is not required so you can leave it empty.

If company details field is not filled, the default company details will be used for the user.

Company details by work order

Company details field is also added for work order creation form. The field is automatically filled with user’s company details. If user does not have company details added, default company details will be used. Moreover, you can change company details manually or leave it blank despite the assigned user.

Company details can be edited until the work order is not completed. If you have to change company details for the work order when work order is finished, you have to reopen a work order and regenerate the PDF act after the changes.

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