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Utility add-on

This module is designed for companies that utilize meters in their daily operations.

Updated over a week ago

Utility add-on allows you to access the meters database in the Frontu web app, while mobile app users can complete meter-related actions within their respective applications.

Upon opening a Frontu account, the meters section becomes visible in the left menu, positioned between "Objects" and "Materials".

Meters can be conveniently filtered based on object number, customer number, object, serial number, owner, and status.

Clicking on "Arrange" provides the option to choose the desired information to be displayed in the meters list. By selecting the appropriate checkboxes, the corresponding entries will be displayed, while unchecked entries will be hidden from the list table.

Adjacent to the "Meter list" tab, you will find "Brand Codes". This section displays existing brand codes and allows the addition of new ones. Entries can be filtered based on code, description, diameter, scale marks, and archived/unarchived brand codes.

To create a new brand code, simply click on the "+ New brand code" button. Fill in the required information and click "Save". The new brand code entry will be added to the brand code list.

When creating a work order and selecting a specific object, all meters assigned to that object will be visible. Users can select the meters for which actions will be required during the work order.

Upon receiving a work order on their mobile devices, app users can view information about all meters associated with the object even before starting the work order.

Once the work order is initiated, the user will be presented with all meters related to the object. However, the meters added to the work order will be distinguished by a green vertical line on the left, indicating the meters that require action.

Regardless of the chosen work order type, app users will be able to perform various actions with the meters, such as change, uninstall, seal, unseal, record readings, report defects, or other actions. Clicking on the pencil icon opens the meter edit window.

If the user selects the "Change" action, they will be prompted to provide the necessary information about the old and new meter in the opened window. After completing the required fields and clicking "OK", the meter information will be updated.

For the "Uninstall" function, the user must select the reason for removal, specify the status, enter readings, and optionally leave a comment. Clicking "OK" will save the action.

To perform the "Unseal" action, the app user needs to enter meter readings. The comment field is optional for this action. Selecting "OK" saves the action in the app.

The "Sealing" action requires two mandatory fields: "Readings" and "Seal". By filling in these fields, the action can be saved. An additional comment field is available but optional.

When the app user chooses the "Readings" action from the dropdown list, the action is completed by providing the required "Readings" field and optionally adding a comment.

The "Defect" and "Other" options prompt the app user to write a comment in the respective field. Selecting "OK" saves the action.

Multiple actions can be performed for the same meter within the app.

Upon completion of meter-related actions, the work order end window displays all actions performed on each meter. The provided example showcases the information for a "Change" action on a meter.

The PDF act generated upon work order completion displays essential information about the work order, including the actions performed by the app user and any entered data. The provided example demonstrates a completed work order's PDF act, specifically highlighting a meter change. If additional actions were carried out during the work order, they would also be displayed in the act.

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