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Work Order PDF/HTML layout
Work Order PDF/HTML layout

All the sections have separate settings for separate data. User can decide what information should be included in the PDF act.

Updated over a week ago

E-mail texts

  • Language of PDF report and emails - PDF report content language can be set separately (it is not dependent on the language of online environment);

  • Report email text - the contents of an e-mail being sent, where %task_id% is a special code that automatically displays the number of work order in PDF report.

  • Remote signature email text - the text that will appear on email. % task_id % - a special code, which automatically inserts the work order number of the PDF report sent. % url % - a special code, which automatically inserts URL for signing a work order report.

E-mail text variables

You can configure email text using more special codes that will let automatically display additional information of the work order. You just need to insert needed code in the email text and it will be displayed. There are these special codes allowed now:

'%task_guid%' => identifier generated by Frontu. Can be found in the detailed view.

'%task_systemid%' => shows system ID of the work order.

'%task_title%' => displays work order name.

'%task_description%' => shows the description of the work order.

‘%workspace_serial_number%' => shows object’s serial number.
'%workspace_systemid%' => displays object’s system ID.
'%workspace_title%' => shows the title of the object.
'%workspace_address%' => shows the address of the object.
'%workspace_city%' => shows the city of the object.

%CUSTOM_FIELD_GUID% => shows any of custom fields added for the work order.

For work orders custom fields to be visible in the email text, find the guid in quick or detailed view of the custom field.

Restore default text - button, which restores the default text contents and translates it automatically into the same language as system locale. Default text is a predefined text layout used in an e-mail with PDF reports and also in remote signature email. The texts can be modified and saved by clicking the SAVE button.

PDF report sections

The rest drop-down sections of settings allow to set information or its part that will be displayed in the work order report. There is a quick button VISIBLE / HIDDEN at the end of the line that allows to turn on or off the display of a given section in the report.

  • Work order details;

  • Jobs;

  • Materials;

  • Equipment actions;

  • Route history;

  • Questionnaires.

All the sections have separate checkboxes for separate data. User can decide what information should be included in the PDF act.

We also added an option to “Show Employee” in the PDF act of the work order. By checking this option, a separate section will be visible in the act to identify the employee who performed the job.

Materials section now also includes “Show suggested amount” that will make sure to show and compare suggested and actual amount of materials used in the work order.

Remember to click SAVE button below to save any changes you have made in the settings.

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