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Standard Jobs

Standardized jobs can have their custom hourly or unitary (fixed) rates, suggested durations. App and Web user can add them to work orders.

Updated over a year ago

Creating Standard Jobs

If you want to create a new job, click on "New Job" button. Enter a name for the job, unit of measurement, regular/overtime rates and default duration. An employee will be able to choose a rate when they choose the job in the App also if you allow to do that as Admin.

If you check the "Require description" checkbox, when employee chooses such a job, Frontu App will ask him to complete the job description field before saving the new job. If you would like to set the description requirement for all jobs, click SETTINGS → APP SETTINGS. Description field can be also filled in from the web platform. You can add an additional note or other information necessary for the technician or the customer.

Note: If you would fill not required field "Default duration", when adding suggested jobs to a work order, "Suggested duration" fills automatically according to default duration for that job. Also keep in mind that if you add more jobs to the work order than the default job duration, you will see an informational message informing you of the automatically changed work order duration to match the duration of all jobs added to this particular work order.

Attention: The units are used in calculating the final job cost, e.g.: if measured in units, then the indicated rate applies for 1 unit of this job; if measured in hours, then the rate applies for 1 hour of this job.

Next to the job measured in units, it is also possible to specify a duration that is not used in the calculation of the final price, but this information may necessary for the internal use of the company for better time planning.

You will have the option to enter different VAT for each standard job (or standard material). VAT field will automatically be filled with VAT from the settings. However the field is active so you can enter the different percentage of VAT for separate job (or material) if needed and if for example you have teams working if different countries where you need to have separate jobs with separate VAT for each country.

You can always edit a job. However if the rate or vat was changed, do not forget to mark a checkbox for updating all template jobs related to a standard job.

If checkbox is not marked, then related templates will not be updated and will remain with old prices.

When equipment is being used, equipment action can be selected for job. In this case, when job is added to the work order, equipment action fills in automatically. When the job is added to the work order in the application, equipment action is created automatically by the action that is assigned to the specific standard job.

If you use suggested standard jobs, have in mind, that suggested duration or quantity can be entered by decimal value.

The "Date" column shows the date when the particular job was added to the work order.

Measurement of units

If you need to create a measurement unit for job, just click on next tab and open Measurement units list.

For new unit click "+New" button. Enter title and internal system ID if it is needed. After "save" action, newly created unit will appear in the list and will be available in administrator platform as well as application.

Job preview

To view the job's information select and right-click an entry on the list of standard jobs. Then select QUICK VIEW or DETAILED VIEW in the context menu.

Different pricing of jobs for different clients and agreements

For this you can either use different work order templates for each client and agreement or it is also possible to take job tariffs from your ERP or accounting software where this information is stored (eg: Rivile, NAV or else).

How it works:

1. Integration with an external accounting system is made;

2. You disable prices in the Frontu system;

3. For reports generated by Frontu, the act shows only the completed jobs and the materials used without pricing;

4. This information about completed jobs is also sent to ERP;

5. Based on the information, an invoice is generated with object/client rates based on the jobs performed;

6. You can send this invoice to the customer together with the report generated by Frontu.

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