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Microsoft Power BI Desktop app
Microsoft Power BI Desktop app
Updated over a week ago

To create your own reports, you can use Microsoft Power BI Desktop application along with the Frontu API connector, which will allow you to download all the necessary information.

Here are the steps to set up the integration:

  1. Download Microsoft Power BI Desktop from the PowerBI desktop website.

  2. Open the connector file with the Power BI Desktop application

  3. Enter your Frontu account details:

    1. Domain & API Access Token

    2. API Access Token you can find in the Frontu settings API tab

  4. Wait while all your account information is downloaded

  5. You will see all possible entities and fields in the "Fields" tab.

  6. Create your own reports using tools provided by Microsoft Power BI Desktop software.

Quick tips for Power BI usage:

  • All dates are displayed in UTC (+0) time zone, if your reports are time/date specific, you need to create separate columns for required fields with the “Local time” option.

  • If you’re using custom fields, you must expand the “customValues” column on each table. Expanded columns will have GUID identifiers. To identify a custom field, you can find the custom field guid in its preview on the Frontu administration panel:

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