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Reports by Jobs
Updated over a week ago

Jobs report

Job report is designed to view all completed jobs, their duration and cost for the selected period of time. You will be able to see the completed work orders together with standard and non-standard jobs with the exact creation time for each job. The report also includes a coefficient of efficiency.

The most effective ways to use:

  • Find out how many standard jobs your company has done over the analysis period and see the cost of each job. These statistics will be useful for a detailed review of the jobs list for a specific time.

  • Identify the longest-running jobs and see in which work orders they were added. This will allow you to evaluate if according to work order execution time, your hourly rate meets your and your client's expectations.

  • Compare the coefficient of efficiency of the jobs. This will be useful to….

Jobs report by employees

Jobs report by employees is designed to analyze the quantity of completed jobs by different employees. This report will show who has completed most/least jobs during your analyzed period, how long they took, when were started and how much cost. Moreover, you will find an estimated coefficient of efficiency in this report too.

The most effective ways to use:

  • Compare the amount of completed jobs by different app users. Depending on the date jobs were created, you will be able to see which employee completed most and which least jobs by working day. This information could be used to ensure an even distribution of work across your staff.

  • Analyze the same job duration time by different employees. You will be able to easily identify employees who do one or another job in the shortest period of time. This will help you distribute jobs while minimizing time costs.

  • See the coefficient of efficiency of each employee according to completed jobs.

Jobs report by standard jobs

Jobs reported by standard jobs could be used for quantitative analysis of standard jobs. The report includes information about the number of completed jobs, minimum / maximum / average and total execution times and prices. This report will allow you to easily compare data for selected jobs.

The most effective ways to use:

  • Find out the amount of each completed standard job during the period you are analyzing. By using this report, you will be able to see the frequency of job performance.

  • Compare the duration of different standard jobs. You will be able to easily analyze different jobs according to their minimum, maximum or average execution time. This will help you know how job execution time varies and how long it usually takes to complete the job. You could also see how much time has been spent on one or another job during the period of time that is relevant to you.

  • Compare the prices for different standard jobs. You will see the cost of all jobs (with and without VAT). It will let you know what kind of jobs are the cheapest or most expensive and what the statistically average cost of your employees' work is.

Jobs report by standard jobs and employees

Jobs report by standard jobs and employees is designed to analyze the distribution of completed standard jobs between your employees. You will be able to see how many jobs were done by each employee and compare the data. The fields of job duration and price will show how long for a different app user it took to complete various jobs and how much they cost.

The most effective ways to use:

  • Compare how long different employees do the same standard job. You will be able to make a comparison by analyzing the minimum / maximum duration and average standard job execution time. This will help to identify differences in staff competencies and to distribute work to various specialists.

  • Find out how many different jobs were completed by each employee for a selected period of time and how long they took. This will help to understand how long an employee has been working for a selected month, week or day. You will also be able to see how different jobs are distributed by employee

  • Analyze hourly rates according to the minimum / maximum cost of a standard job working hour. This will allow you to see the highest and lowest amounts of revenue for a particular job. In addition, this report will show you how much money different jobs have earned for your business over the time period you choose.

Work time report by days

Work time report by day will help you find out employee’s time and travel statistics for the selected month. You will be able to see how long work orders were ”In Progress" status and how long the trip to the object was for each day of the month. Moreover, the report will show you the total duration of jobs and the theoretical time from the route added. You will also see how many kilometers were traveled on a certain day.

The most effective ways to use:

  • Find out how much time an employee spent on work order execution. You will be able to see all executed work orders duration and total duration of all jobs by employee and working day. This will certainly help to monitor the daily work of employees.

  • Know how many kilometers were traveled in a particular day of the month. You will clearly see which day an employee has travelled the most kilometers and could analyze if it was a result of the employee's improperly planned route.

  • Compare the planned travel time, which was calculated from the attached route with the actual/real time for being on the trip added by the employee himself. This data will be useful to find out if the trip has taken shorter / longer than planned travel time.

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